Conversions & Substitutions

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Forget adding a “pinch”

Perhaps you misplaced a measuring cup. Or maybe adding a “pinch” just won’t do. Whatever the case, use these conversion charts to quickly and precisely convert measurements for your recipes. Bookmark this page or download and print the charts to keep ‘em handy.

Liquid Measuring Cup

Liquid Measure

Gal. Qt. Pt. Cups Fl. Oz. L. Tbsp. Tsp.
1 gal. 4 qt. 8 pt. 16 cups 128 fl. oz. 3.8 L
1/2 gal. 2 qt. 4 pt. 8 cups 64 fl. oz. 1.89 L
1/4 gal. 1 qt. 2 pt. 4 cups 32 fl. oz. .95 L
1/2 qt. 1 pt. 2 cups 16 fl. oz. .47 L
1/4 qt. 1/2 pt. 1 cups 8 fl. oz. .24 L
1/2 cup 4 fl. oz. .12 L 8 tbsp. 24 tsp.
1/4 cup 2 fl. oz. .06 L 4 tbsp. 12 tsp.
1/8 cup 1 fl. oz. .03 L 2 tbsp. 6 tsp.
1/2 fl. oz. .015 L 1 tbsp. 3 tsp.

Conversion Factors

  • ounces to milliliters: multiply ounce figure by 30 to get number of milliliters
  • cups to liters: multiply cup figure by 0.24 to get number of liters
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Dry Measuring CupDry Measure

Cups Fluid Oz. Tbsp. Tsp. ML.
1 cup 8 fluid oz. 16 tbsp. 48 tsp. 237 ml
3/4 cup 6 fluid oz. 12 tbsp. 36 tsp. 177 ml
2/3 cup 5 1/3 fluid oz. 10 2/3 tbsp. 32 tsp. 158 ml
1/2 cup 4 fluid oz. 8 tbsp. 24 tsp. 118 ml
1/3 cup 2 2/3 fluid oz. 5 1/3 tbsp. 16 tsp. 79 ml
1/4 cup 2 fluid oz. 4 tbsp. 12 tsp. 59 ml
1/8 cup 1 fluid oz. 2 tbsp. 6 tsp. 30 ml
1/16 cup 1/2 fluid oz. 1 tbsp. 3 tsp. 15 ml
1/48 cup 1/8 fluid oz. 1/3 tbsp. 1 tsp. 5 ml

Conversion Factors

  • ounces to milliliters: multiply ounce figure by 30 to get number of milliliters
  • cups to liters: multiply cup figure by 0.24 to get number of liters
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Oven TemperaturesOven Temperatures

Description American Standard Metric Gas Mark
Very cool 225° F 110° C Mark # 1/4
Lukewarm cool 250° F 130° C Mark # 1/2
Cool 275° F 140° C Mark # 1
Coolly moderate 300° F 150° C Mark # 2
Very moderate 325° F 170° C Mark # 3
Moderate 350° F 180° C Mark # 4
Moderately hot 375° F 190° C Mark # 5
Fairly hot 400° F 200° C Mark # 6
Hot 425° F 220° C Mark # 7
Really hot 450° F 230° C Mark # 8
Very hot 475° F 240° C Mark # 9

Conversion Factors

  • Fahrenheit to Celsius: subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit figure, multiply by 5, then divide by 9 to get Celsius
  • Celsius to Fahrenheit: multiply Celsius figure by 9, divide by 5, then add 32 to get Fahrenheit
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Butter SubstitutionsButter or Margarine to Olive Oil Conversion for Baking

Butter/Margarine Olive Oil
1 teaspoon 3/4 teaspoon
1 tablespoon 2 1/4 teaspoons
2 tablespoons 1 1/2 tablespoons
1/4 cup 3 tablespoons
1/3 cup 1/4 cup
1/2 cup 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons
2/3 cup 1/2 cup
3/4 cup 1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon
1 cup 3/4 cup
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Gallon JugTeaspoon-Gallon Measures

1 teaspoon 1 1/3 fluid drams
1 tablespoon 3 teaspoons
1/4 cup 4 tablespoons
1/3 cup 5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon
1/2 cup 8 tablespoons
2/3 cup 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons
1 cup 16 tablespoons
1 pint 2 cups
1 quart 4 cups
1 gallon 4 quarts
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Can/Bottle Measuring SizesCommon Can and Bottle Sizes

Standard Metric
3 ounces 85 ml
3 1/2 ounces 100 ml
5 1/2 ounces 156 ml
7 1/2 ounces 213 ml
8 ounces 227 ml
10 ounces 284 ml
12 ounces 340 ml
13 ounces 370 ml
14 ounces 398 ml
18 ounces 504 ml
19 ounces 532 ml
28 ounces 796 ml
4 1/4 cups 1 liter
6 cups 1.5 liters
8 cups 2 liters
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SubstitutionsCommonly Used Substitutions

Ingredient Quantity Substitute
Baking Powder 1 tsp. double acting 1/4 tsp. baking soda + 1/2 cup buttermilk
Baking Powder 1 tsp. double acting 1/4 tsp. baking soda + 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
Butter 1 cup 1 cup margarine
Butter 1 cup 7/8 cup lard + 1/2 tsp. salt
Chocolate 1 ounce 3 tbsp. cocoa + 1 tbsp. shortening
Corn Starch (for thickening) 1 tbsp. 2 tbsp. flour
Cream 1 cup 1/2 cup butter + 3/4 cup milk
Egg 1 whole 2 egg yolks
Flour 1 cup all purpose 1 cup + 2 Tbsp. cake flour
Flour 1 cup cake flour 7/8 cup all purpose flour
Flour 1 cup self-rising flour 1 cup flour (omit baking powder & salt)
Garlic 1 small clove 1/8 tsp. garlic powder
Herbs 1 tbsp. fresh 1 tsp. dried
Honey 1 cup 1 1/4 cups sugar + 1/4 cup liquid
Milk, fresh whole 1 cup 1 cup reconstituted dry milk + 2 tsp. butter
Milk, whole 1 cup 1/2 cup evaporated milk + 1/2 cup water
Milk, sour 1 cup 1 tbsp. lemon juice or vinegar + sweet milk to make 1 cup
Minced Dry Onion (hydrated) 1 tbsp. instant 1 small fresh onion
Molasses 1 cup 1 cup honey
Mustard, prepared 1 tbsp. 1 tsp. dry mustard
Ricotta Cheese 1 cup 1 cup cottage cheese + 1 tbsp. skim milk
Sour Cream 1 cup 1 cup yogurt
Sugar, Brown 1 cup 3/4 cup granulated sugar + 1/4 cup molasses
Sugar, Powdered 1 1/3 cups 1 cup granulated sugar
Yogurt 1 cup 1 cup buttermilk
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Dry Spice ShakersDry Spice Conversions

Item FL OZ per OZ TSP per OZ TBL per OZ
Ajwain 3.3 20 6.67
Allspice, Ground 2.4 14.3 4.75
Anise, Ground 2 12 4
Anise Seeds 2.25 13.5 4.5
Annatto Power, Achiote 1.6 9.25 3.1
Basil, Ground 3 18 6
Bay Leaves 8.35 50 16.7
Bay Leaves, Ground 2.1 12.7 4.2
Caraway, Ground 2.5 15 5
Caraway Seed 1.95 11.7 3.9
Cardamom, Ground 2.4 14.5 4.8
Cayenne 2.25 13.5 4.5
Celery Salt .95 5.7 1.9
Celery Seed 2.1 12.6 4.2
Celery Seed, Ground 2 12 4
Chervil Leaves 7.2 43 14.3
Chili Flakes, Red 2.8 17 5.67
Chili Powder 2.1 12.75 4.25
Chinese 5 Spice 2.1 12.75 4.25
Cinnamon 1.9 11.75 3.9
Cloves, Ground 2.2 13 4.3
Cloves, Whole 2.7 16 5.3
Coriander, Ground 2.4 14.33 4.8
Coriander Seeds 3.5 21 7
Cream of Tartar 1.25 7.5 2.5
Cumin, Ground 2.4 14.2 4.7
Curry Powder 2.2 13.2 4.4
Dextrose, Powdered 1.5 9 3
Dill Seed 2.2 13 4.3
Dill Weed 4.7 28.25 9.4
Epazote 5 30 10
Fennel, Ground 2.2 12.9 4.3
Fennel Seed 2.2 13 4.3
Fenugreek Seed 1.3 7.75 2.6
Fermento 2 12 4
Garlic, Granulated 1.4 8.5 2.8
Garlic Powder 1.75 10.7 3.5
Garlic Salt 1 6 2
Ginger 2.5 14.75 4.9
Herbs De Provence 5.5 33 11
Kosher Salt 1.3 8 2.6
Mace 2.5 14.8 4.9
Marjoram 5.7 34 11.3
Mint Leaves 15 90 30
Mustard, Ground 2.3 14 4.6
Mustard Seeds 1.25 7.5 2.5
Nutmeg 2.05 12.4 4.1
Onion Powder 2.2 12.8 4.3
Oregano Leaves 4.7 28 9.3
Paprika 2.1 12.5 4.2
Parsley Flakes 11.7 70 23.3
Pepper, Black, Coarse 2.1 12.5 4.2
Pepper, Black, Ground 2 12 4
Pepper Flakes, Red, Crushed 2.9 17 5.7
Pepper, White Ground 1.95 11.5 3.9
Peppercorns, Black 1.75 10.5 3.5
Pickling Spice 1.5 9 3
Poppy Seed 1.65 10 3.3
Pumpkin Spice 2.65 16 5.3
Rosemary, Ground 2.05 17 5.7
Rosemary, Leaves 4.5 27 9
Saffron 6.7 40 13.3
Sage, Ground 5.5 33 11
Salt, Kosher, Morton 0.9 5.5 1.8
Salt, Seasoning .97 5.85 1.95
Salt, Table .79 4.74 1.58
Sesame Seeds 1.8 11 3.6
Tarragon Leaves 6.15 37 12.3
Thyme, Ground 1.9 11.25 3.75
Thyme, Leaves 3.5 21 7
Turmeric 2 12 4
Wasabi Powder 2.9 17.25 5.75
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Fruit YieldsFruit Yields

Item % Yield
Apples, Peeled & Cored 74
Apricots 92
Bananas 66
Blackberries 95
Blueberries 89
Cantaloupe 58
Cherries, Flesh 87
Coconut, Meat 43
Figs, Without Stem 98
Grapefruit, Segments Without Membrane 52
Grapes, Stemless 93
Guava 80
Kiwi 84
Honeydew 58
Lemon, Juiced & Strained 42
Lime / Lemon Zest 16
Limes, Juiced & Strained 42
Mango, Without Pit & Skin 69
Nectarines 75
Oranges 62
Papayas 67
Peaches, Sliced 78
Pears, Without Pit & Skin 78
Pineapple, Peeled & Cored, Cubed 46
Plantains 72
Plums 90
Pomegranates 56
Prickly Pear Fruit 69
Quince 61
Raspberries 96
Strawberries 92
Tangerine 71
Watermelon 50
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Meat YieldsMeat Yields


Item % Yield
Chuck 85
Flank 90
Flap Meat 80
Inside Round 65
Neck 75
Rib Chop 83
Rump 79
Shank Hind 43
Shank Fore 61
Shoulder Clod 75
Short Ribs 68
Sirloin Butt 70
Sirloin Top Full Cut 71
Steak Club 83
Steak Porterhouse 91
Steak T-Bone 88
Tender PSMO 75
Ribeye Steak Lip Off 72
Ribeye Steak Lip On 78
Strip Steak Center Cut 62
Strip Steak End Cut 63
Top Butt Steak Cap On 52
Top Butt Steak Center Cut 38
Peeled Tenderloin 52


Item % Yield
Breast & Flank 89
Chop 75
Foreleg 70
Loin 89
Rib 81
Shoulder 86


Item % Yield
Bacon 93
Butt Boneless 85
Chop 75
Ham 85
Picnic 81
Shoulder 81
Tenderloins 88


Item % Yield
Chuck 80
Flank 99
Fore Shank 82
Leg, Boned & Trimmed 44
Loin 83
Plate 79
Rib 77
Round 77


Item % Yield
Broiler/Fryer Without Neck/Giblets 89
Drum 63
Thighs 70
Wings 50
Breast 87
Breast Quarter 75
Drum 69
Leg 75
Leg Quarter 71
Thigh 82


Item % Yield
Dressed 88
Legs 24
Wings 11


Item % Yield
Whole, Dressed 90


Item % Yield
Loin Chop 75


Item % Yield
Bass, Without Skin Filet 59
Clams, Edible Portion 15
Cod, Filet Without Skin 30
Crab, Blue From Shell 17
Crab, Dungeness From Shell 27
Crab, King From Shell 25
Crawfish, Tail 12
Crawfish, Back 23
Flounder, Filet Without Skin 41
Frog Legs, Flesh 85
Halibut, Filet Without Skin 59
Lobster, Meat Body Claw Tail 28
Oyster, Meat & Liquor 18
Snapper, Filet With Skin 73
Salmon, Meat Boneless Raw 88
Shrimp, Cleaned Without Shell 81
Tilapia, Dressed Filet 45
Trout, Filet Without Skin 59
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Vegetable YieldsVegetable Yields

Item % Yield
Alfalfa Sprouts 95
Artichokes 97
Arugula 97
Asparagus, Standard Whole 90
Avocado, Whole 77
Bamboo Shoot, Sliced from Whole 96
Bamboo Shoot, Sliced & Peeled 72
Bean Sprouts 97
Beans, Green 88
Beets 66
Belgian Endive 83
Bok Choy, Baby 92
Bok Choy, Regular 88
Broccoli, Bunch, Whole 63
Broccoli, Florets 63
Brussels Sprouts 89
Cabbage, Green 80
Cabbage, Red 80
Cabbage, Napa 88
Cabbage, Savoy 83
Carrots, Table, Medium 81
Carrots, Whole Baby 99
Cauliflower 60
Celery 69
Chard, Swiss 91
Cilantro 95
Collard Greens 65
Corn Cob, Fresh Niblets 29
Cucumber 95
Cucumber, Peeled, Seeded, Diced 55
Edamame, Hulled 90
Eggplant, Japanese, Slices 90
Eggplant, Peeled 84
Fennel, With 6” Stem 93
Fennel, Stemmed 56
Garlic 83
Ginger Root 83
Horseradish Root, Peeled 73
Jerusalem Artichoke 69
Jicama 81
Kale, Green 60
Kohlrabi 47
Leeks 44
Lemon Grass, Trimmed 68
Lettuce, Bibb/Butter 80
Lettuce, Greenleaf 81
Lettuce, Iceberg 73
Lettuce, Redleaf 75
Lettuce, Romaine 75
Lotus Root 80
Malanga 74
Mushrooms, Crimini, Trimmed 74
Mushroom Crimini, Stems, Tipped 89
Mushrooms, Morel 85
Mushrooms, Oyster, Sliced 95
Mushroom, Shiitake 94
Mushrooms, White 94
Mustard Greens 75
Okra, Trimmed 84
Onions, Green 83
Onions, Red 90
Onions, Yellow 90
Parsnips 84
Peas, Snap 94
Peppers, Anaheim, Seeded, Diced 87
Peppers, Bell, Green 81
Peppers, Habanero 88
Peppers, Jalapeño, Chopped w/ Seeds 94
Peppers, Pasilla, Cored, Seeded 76
Peppers, Bell, Red 84
Peppers, Serrano, Chopped w/ Seeds 87
Potato, Baker, Russet 78
Pumpkin, Whole 63
Purslane 75
Purslane, Stemmed 55
Radicchio 92
Radish, Daikon 88
Rhubarb 92
Rutabaga 81
Shallots, Peeled, Diced 80
Spinach 66
Squash, Acorn 76
Squash, Banana 76
Squash, Butternut 84
Squash, Chayote 80
Squash, Crookneck 98
Squash, Hubbard 71
Squash, Patty Pan 95
Squash, Spaghetti 69
Squash, Summer 95
Squash, Zucchini 94
Sweet Potato 75
Taro Root 86
Tomatillos 88
Tomato, Cherry 95
Tomatoes, Cored & Peeled 92
Tomatoes, Grape 98
Tomatoes, Roma 94
Turnips 81
Wasabi Root 73
Yam, Whole, Peeled 88
Yucca, Peeled 78
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